The ANCL is an affiliate of the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL). All members of the ANCL are automatically members of the IACL.
Members have the right to participate in the activities of the ANCL. The primary responsibility of members is to support the principles and goals of the ANCL set out in its Constitution. There is also an expectation that members will share relevant information related to the activities and objectives of the ANCL and executive all responsibilities allocated to them by relevant organs of the ANCL.
Membership fees and categories
(a) Individual members: ZAR300
Any African constitutional scholar, judge, lawyer, and members of civil society with research and/or teaching interest in constitutional law may be admitted as individual members of the ANCL.
(b) Associate members: ZAR400
These are individual members who are non-nationals of an African country.
(c) Institutional membership: ZAR500
This category comprises institutes and national associations of constitutional law, law or bar societies and associations, and non-governmental organisations, whose objectives are compatible with those of the ANCL.
(d) Students: ZAR150
This category admits only PhD students with an interest in constitutional law.
(e) Honorary membership
This membership may be bestowed on individuals who have been of service to the ANCL.
Current honorary members are:
- Prof Cheryl Saunders, University of Melbourne
- Justice Babacar Kante, Former Deputy President of the Constitutional Court of Senegal
Banking Details
Standard Bank, Rondebosch
Account No: 073633798 (Cheque Account)
Branch Code: 025009
Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ