Call for Papers


Democracy, constitutionalism and human rights in Africa are under threat. The rise of military coups and military regimes is a concern that needs to be addressed to pre-empt a steep regression of democratic governance in Africa.

Closing Date:  2O October 2023

Democracy, constitutionalism and human rights in Africa are under threat. The rise of military coups and military regimes is a concern that needs to be addressed to pre-empt a steep regression of democratic governance in Africa. 


The ANCL is keen to provide a platform for academics, policymakers, researchers, civil society organisations and students to explore and share critical perspectives on this growing paradigm, including the opportunities and challenges for the future of democratic governance in Africa.

We welcome submissions of between 700 – 1000 words in English or French. All submissions will be peer reviewed. Please use hyperlinks rather than footnotes. All submissions should include the name of the author(s) and their institutional affiliation. Please direct submissions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject, ‘Special Issue Blog Submission’. Submission deadline 20 October 2023.